Ashtanga Yoga is all about connecting your breathing rhythm to one’s movement. When mastered, this connection allows you to remain focused throughout the practice as well as allowing the body to release, increasing the stretch and improving flexibility of all your muscles.
Until I started to practice yoga, I assumed it was a spiritual, meditative type of exercise, which was slow and low in its intensity. As a keen athlete, I was used to fast and long cardiovascular exercise. In my mind if I wasn’t hot and sweaty, I hadn’t done enough!
I remember well my first Ashtanga class. I wasn’t too far into the practice thinking this is really hard and perhaps I had misunderstood the meaning and importance of yoga. This was the moment the fire was lit within me; this was just the beginning and I was excited to learn more.
Over this past year I have learnt three big lessons, how to focus my fast and busy mind, how to be patient with my body and to accept my body for what it is.
“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms”
I now understand the importance of slowing down and taking time to concentrate on ones own body and mind. It is ok to focus on yourself. It is not greed or selfishness. It will in turn make you more understanding and patient with others.
In my classes I love to combine creative sequencing, a spirit of playfulness and a dose of inspiration to help you deepen your practice. My hope is that you step off your mat feeling refreshed, nourished and balanced. My journey has only just begun and I’m excited to take you on it.